Today We Celebrate Our One Year Anniversary: A Special Note from Kim McNally


My name is Kim McNally and I am delighted to introduce myself as the new President & CEO of the New Canaan Library and am thankful for the warm welcome you have already shown me. I come to you as the former Executive Director of the Berlin-Peck Library just up the road on I-95. I am excited to begin living in New Canaan and experiencing the rich community life so evident around me. 

My arrival happens to coincide with the new Library’s one year anniversary. This beautiful building is a gift to and of our community, and you have shown your appreciation by attending more than 450 programs we have offered for adults and 850 programs for children, families, and teens since we opened our doors last Valentine’s Day. That is a spectacular count by any measure, and we are grateful for your support.  

I recently finished David Brooks’s new book How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen. In it, he shares the concept of illuminators – ones who “shine the brightness of their care on people and make them feel bigger, deeper, respected, and lit up.” In this book, Brooks writes, “the real process of, say, building a friendship or creating a community involves performing a series of small, concrete actions well: being curious about other people; disagreeing without poisoning relationships; revealing vulnerability at an appropriate pace; being a good listener; knowing how to ask for and offer forgiveness; knowing how to host a gathering where everyone feels embraced; knowing how to see things from another’s point of view.” As I read these words, I was overwhelmed with the thought: this is also how you build a library. 

Building a library is not just about the building (though that is a huge accomplishment we are fortunate to be celebrating today!) It is also about the people, the community, the connections, the partnerships, the conversations, and the opportunities we make space for. Our talented staff work hard to do many of the things that Brooks suggests though not in those specific terms. We are curious about our community and welcoming to all; we are always looking for ways to inspire, learning to be better listeners, and we know a thing or two about hosting a gathering. As a center for lifelong learning, we help our patrons and each other see things from another’s point of view as often as we can.  

One way we will incorporate Brooks’s advice is to ask you to share your favorite thing about New Canaan Library on our wall of hearts outside the Rees Family Children’s Room so everyone can see what you appreciate most about this library. And if you can, please stop by Happy’s Café on Friday February 16th for a free coffee and a chat with me from 10 – 12 pm at the Farmer’s Grind. I would love to take this time to meet you in person. 

As you continue into this year with goals, ideas, and inspirations of your own remember the Library is here to be an illuminator in your life. We look forward to seeing you here often in 2024.  

May this year be full of promise for all. 


 Kim McNally, President & CEO New Canaan Library  

Ellie Moore